Your Hot Water Heater – One of Many Household Systems

by | Mar 11, 2019 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Many homeowners never think about all of the different systems in their home and how those systems work together. Take the shower as an example; when you climb in and turn the water on do you really think about how the water gets to you? What about the way it heats up? For that, a water heater is responsible and if something goes wrong with it, you’re going to have a problem. Water heaters in Chicago see a lot use, but what can happen to them?

A System Taken for Granted

There is no way to put this nicely: water heaters are taken for granted. You use them day in and day out, and you’re always putting pressure on your system. Yes it works well but over time you’ll start to develop problems. Eventually the hot water will be exhausted faster or you might notice that it never heats up at all. Common problems include:

  • Reduced Hot Water: Poor fixtures and a lack of water pressure can cause the water to come out cold when you run it. This could also be caused by a water leak, reducing stress and causing the water to become cold before it even gets to you.
  • Lack of Hot Water: While reduced hot water is a problem, you will probably be even more annoyed if you have a complete lack of hot water. This often means that your water heater doesn’t have the required recovery time, but it could also indicate that your pilot light is out. There are plenty of other potential reasons, so keep them in mind and consider calling in the professionals to help you fix the problem.
  • Leaks: A water heater contains water. That might sound a little bit obvious, but it does need to be pointed out. If it holds water, it will leak, so if you start noticing water around the base of your water heater or even dampness, then you might call for service.

Get the Professional Help you Need

Apex Plumbing in Chicago could be precisely what you need to fix any pesky problems with your water heater. Remember: without it, you cannot take a hot shower or run hot water anywhere in your home. Avoid dealing with that for long periods by calling the right people. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.