Your Choice in Floor Heating Cables Is Crucial for Success of Heated Floors

by | Aug 11, 2020 | Tools and Equipment

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Tile flooring is known to feel cold on bare feet during colder weather months. Many homeowners decide to install heated tile flooring to counteract this normal flooring material effect. Your choice in a tile floor heating cable can be crucial for the overall success of installing heated floors inside of your home or business.

Floor Heating Offers Better Indoor Comfort Levels

In the past, the heating source was typically placed in radiators or through vented duct systems. This method of transporting heated indoor air often uses more energy than is necessary if using another method of temperature control such as heated floors. Since the heat is introduced at the ground level, the room immediately feels warmer without those pesky cool drafts that are common with air duct systems attached to a furnace, air conditioner unit or HVAC unit.

Proper Choice of Floor Heating Cables Is Key for Indoor Air Comfort

If a floor heating system fails, how difficult the repair will be will often depend on the cables used to transfer the heat through the floors. It is crucial for homeowners to select a heated flooring system that uses separate cables throughout the floor area. If one of those cables is damaged, it can be quickly remedied without the need to tear up the entire floor area.

Heated Floors Offer Less Indoor Air Allergens

Many allergy doctors today recommend heated flooring systems for patients that suffer from allergies and lung problems. These floors offer better indoor air quality with less dust.