Young people die in tragic accidents every day. Most of them never considered estate planning because they thought they had plenty of time left. When a person is critically injured in an accident and doesn’t have the proper documents in place, it’s quite likely they won’t get the medical treatment, or lack of medical treatment, they desire. The only want for a person to ensure their wishes are respected during this time is to work with an Estate Planning Lawyer in Bainbridge Island prior to any kind of serious injury. Since no one knows when something like this might happen, there’s no better time than now to consult a lawyer for advice.
Estate planning is about much more than deciding who gets a person’s money after they die. In fact, even those without a dime in the bank should have an estate plan. Some of the most important aspects of a well-designed plan have more to do with what happens in a person’s final days than what happens after they die. An Estate Planning Lawyer in Bainbridge Island may help a young person decide who would make the best choice for powers of attorney for health care and finances. They might also assist with writing a living will. This document outlines a person’s wishes regarding medical treatment if they are unable to speak for themselves.
Some young people might think that going through the process of planning for what might happen if they are critically injured or killed in an accident is morbid. However, doing so could give the people who love them a chance to grieve without having to be concerned about what they might want or what they may have said regarding the care they’d like to receive in that situation.
Estate planning is an act of love a person can provide to help those who care about them after they are gone. Not doing it poses a greater hardship on family members and other loved ones because they may have to make decisions without enough information. Everyone with specific wishes should get in touch with a lawyer to get their desires in writing before it’s too late.