Whatever your field of employment, you are entitled to a safe and healthy working environment. If, however, an accident should occur, you may be entitled to compensation for your injury or illness. This is why workers’ compensation laws were put in place; to protect your rights and make certain that you are adequately taken care of financially after a work-related accident or illness. The problem is that this area of the law can be quite complicated and filing a claim can be daunting.
Work injury attorneys in Iowa will be able to help you through this complex and often convoluted process. Since there may be specific requirements as well as time constraints, you should turn these matters over to experienced attorneys, so that you can concentrate on recuperating. Many attorneys will be happy to meet with you for a free initial consultation. This will give them a chance to hear your explanation of the facts in order to determine if you have a legitimate claim. If you do, they will also take that opportunity to advise you on what they can do for you and what steps to take.
This compensation is not a gift from your employer; it is a right that you have earned and are entitled to. You are at a point where you are racking up expenses while not earning any wages. The compensation you have coming is critical to your well-being as well as that of your family. You should be spending your time and energy recuperating, not worrying about whether you will be able to keep your home and meet your financial obligations. Your attorney will see to it that you are fully compensated for your medical expenses, including medications, therapy, medical equipment, and supplies. You can also be compensated for lost wages as well as diminished earning capability, if that is the case.
Getting sick or injured just because you showed up for work is not an acceptable set of circumstances. Accidents do happen, businesses can be negligent, and that’s when an experienced attorney can represent you and your interests and work hard to see that you receive all of the compensation you are legally entitled to.