Widely Popularized Myths About Bed Bug Insect Removal in Minneapolis

by | Mar 19, 2015 | Pest Control

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Bed bugs are more than a nuisance. They can be hazardous. Some individuals have some seemingly good ideas for insect removal in Minneapolis. For example, a family may decide to go to another home for the summer. When they return, the bed bugs will be gone, and this was a minor inconvenience that did not affect their plans. Others may just take all the sheets and clothes and place them in the garage. Both of these ideas are fueled by the popular myth of human hosting.

Do Bed Bugs Die Away From Humans?

Bed bugs need humans to feed off. Despite the idea being horribly uncomfortable, bed bugs feed off human skin cells and blood to survive. There is this popular idea bed bugs will die when they are not exposed to humans, and this is true. Reports have surfaced that substantiate bed bugs surviving upwards for a year without any association with a human being. This debunks the summer travel plan idea as well as the garage idea (unless a family wants to stay out of their garage entirely for the year).

Pesticide Sprays

A pesticide application is on the right track for insect removal in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, it does not completely work. Firstly, a pesticide is sprayed in the air. As soon as the chemicals hit the air, the bed bugs will dissipate and grab their eggs along with them. Pesticides need to be applied directly to the surface, but this is impractical for all the many crevasses and nooks that a bed bug can disappear into-;specifically the borderline microscopic crevasses such as chips in wood or burrows in a mattress. Pesticide sprays may not always work even if they are applied extensively. The “kills 99.9% of bugs” message on a container may be marketing buzz, and not the whole truth.

Visit the website to find professional insect removal specialists. An individual or small team visits the home and assess the extent of the damage using proper equipment. A complete bed bug removal may require relocation for a few days or isolation from the room entirely. DIY methods are somewhat unfounded and not 100% effective when compared to the services provided by a professional.