Autoimmune disorders can occur in people of all ages, even young children. While most diseases do not interfere with orthodontic work, your orthodontist in Pilsen may recommend that you work with your child’s rheumatologist to make sure that his or her lupus is well-managed before getting braces. Here are some things you should know about lupus and your child’s oral health.
Attack On Immune System
Lupus is a disorder where the immune system attacks healthy body tissues. Lupus has no known cure and most people with the disease develop oral symptoms. One of the most common oral symptoms of lupus is dry mouth because autoimmune disorders often attack the salivary glands.
When this happens, your child’s salivary glands may only produce trace amounts of saliva, which can put him or her at risk for cavities and gum disease. Lupus can also cause bleeding gums as a result of anemia. If your child’s salivary gland dysfunction and anemia are not treated before he or she gets braces, the young person may experience heavy bleeding when the orthodontist in Pilsen adjusts the hardware.
Lupus Medication Oral Side Effects
The medications prescribed to manage your child’s lupus may also cause oral problems. For example, if the rheumatologist prescribed steroids, the young patient may develop oral fungal infections, cold sores, jaw pain, and damage to the bones supporting the teeth.
Immunosuppressive drugs are also commonly prescribed to lupus patients, which can slow down the healing process and raise a person’s risk for oral infections. Because of this, both the dentist and rheumatologist should know about the medications your child is taking to manage his or her lupus and which orthodontic or other dental procedures will be performed in the future.
Make an appointment with ABC Pediatric Dentistry: Adrienne Barnes DDS, to learn more about autoimmune disorders and oral health by visiting our website.