Some people don’t think of backpacks and gear holders for their fly fishing equipment because they don’t expect to need a lot or take a lot. However, it can be difficult when you have a rod (that may come in its own case), the reel, a change of clothes, and your clothing for fly fishing. This may include waders, boots and more. You may also want to take snacks or a bottle of water with you.
Because of all this, you will need some sort of pack. There are many available, but duffel bags and others can be bulky and difficult to carry long distances.
Your Orvis gale force backpack should be waterproof and weatherproof, which is definitely not hard to find. Most fly-fishing bags are waterproof because you may keep your bag with you while fishing and rain and snow may occur while fishing.
Ease of Use
Many of the roll-top bags or regular bags can be difficult to use. You need something that you can easily dip into and pull out what you need. Some bags offer multiple pockets so you can separate your items. This can be helpful unless you can’t remember in which pocket you put the item. It may be simpler to put your items in clear baggies and put them in your backpack.
The Orvis bag is made of nylon fabric coated with polyurethane. This makes it waterproof and also strong to withstand scuffs and tears while hiking to your favorite fishing spot and while getting into and out of boats and canoes. It even comes with a water-resistant zipper so that your zipper won’t break before the bag!
You will also be using the pack frequently, to get snacks, tippets and flies. This is another reason that durability is important. Constantly unzipping and zipping the bag can cause problems, especially with other brands.
Outside Pockets
This backpack comes with an outside pocket, which is easy to open and close. It can be easy to take the pack off one shoulder, sling it around to your side, and open the pack to retrieve something, such as fly boxes.
The Orvis pack also has a side pocket on each side of the bag that can hold water bottles and rod holders, so that you can easily access drinking water.
Along with the above, there is also a mesh organizer, external clips and more.