Why Implicit Bias Training is for Everyone

by | Oct 19, 2018 | Consulting Services

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It’s no secret that the cultural climate of the United States and many other developed areas is changing. Environments that were once hotbeds for oppression without resistance are now facing serious public scrutiny – and rightly so. One of these battlegrounds is the workplace, where women, disabled individuals, people of color, and those of various cultures and religions are raising their voices and uniting to create change. Your location – regardless of industry – needs to be part of that change.

The Role of Implicit Bias in the Workplace

The charges of racism, sexism, etc. are common today – and often those charges are not unwarranted. However, what some people may perceive as a serious offense may be rooted not in hatred, but in misunderstanding. This misunderstanding – through the impact of stereotypes and long-held cultural attitudes – can lead to unintentional discrimination and other harmful outcomes. This is known as having an “implicit bias” and it’s one of many things that modern companies are working with employees through trainings and seminars to change for the benefit of everyone.

Training for Change

Recently, Starbucks Coffee was in the news for an unfortunate scenario caused by an extreme case of implicit bias. Afterward, the company returned to the headlines for holding implicit bias training for all of its employees. At these trainings, staff members underwent education for understanding and correcting these biases – and creating a better environment for employees and consumers alike.

Do you feel that your location or company would benefit from these trainings? Regardless of your industry or the demographic makeup of your staff, the answer is probably yes. Implicit bias training and coaching sessions can help your employees and management members understand the role of their own perceptions of others in providing the goods or services they are tasked with providing – and how to improve those attitudes through education.

Bring your staff and your company into the new age of social awareness. Bring cultural bias trainings to your employees and help create better environments for the professionals you employ.