Why Dementia Patients Require Extra Care in Bloomington, MN

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Health Care

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Dementia refers to a group of conditions that cause memory loss and impairs your judgment. A person with dementia may have mood swings, difficulty communicating, wander away from home, and problems with taking care of themselves. Many families consider assisted living for dementia patients or hire an in-home caregiver. Read on to find out why dementia patients require extra care.

Other Health Conditions

Some patients with dementia have other health conditions, such as depression, diabetes, and Huntington’s disease. These conditions must be treated along with dementia. It can be challenging for caregivers to detect other health issues because your patient has trouble communicating.

Constantly Wandering

People with dementia tend to wander for different reasons aimlessly. These reasons may include side effects from medications, boredom, or looking for someone or something. Assisted living for dementia patients has memory units that can help patients from leaving the facility.

Caregivers also should make time for regular exercise to minimize restlessness.


Dementia causes someone with this condition to go through a range of behaviors. These behaviors may include sleeplessness, physical aggression, irritability, and verbal aggression. Some dementia patients act out in agitation when they are losing control. Caregivers must maintain a regular routine and reduce noise in the room. It also helps to reduce sugar, caffeine, and other foods that increase energy.

Dementia is a progressive disease. As this disease progresses, your patient will go through new experiences and need support. It is important to consider what a patient may need in the early stages of dementia in the future.