Why Customers Choose A Custom Crating Service in Austin

by | Oct 20, 2016 | Moving Services

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Getting anything ready to ship can be a chore, but some items go well beyond difficult. Things that are over-sized, awkwardly shaped, or very fragile are just some of the items that present packing challenges. Fortunately, experts like Crate Master specialize in packaging the impossible. They are a custom crating service in Austin that will build custom packaging. Company craftsmen are also shipping professionals who ensure every item arrives safely.

Crate Specialists Are Experienced Builders

The artisans who work at a Crating service in Austin are experienced builders who can literally construct anything. In fact, the businesses often take on assignments other than packaging. Specialists have built custom playhouses, unique tables, shelving and even office buildings. Their vast design and construction experience allow team members to build crates which protect every inch of clients’ property. Builders create and supply a variety of one-way and reusable crates and skids. They can design containers for storage as well as shipping.

Packaging Experts Will Prepare Anything for Shipment

Experienced crating professionals can show customers an impressive portfolio of completed projects. Since their facilities and craftsmanship meet the highest industry and government standards, the companies have experience shipping such diverse objects as:

  *     Industrial machine tools

  *     Robots

  *     Conveyor equipment

  *     Antiques

  *     Mirrors

  *     Chandeliers

  *     Trade show materials

  *     Helicopters and planes

  *     Manufacturing equipment

  *     Building Professionals Are Also Shipping Experts

Construction specialists who design and create packaging also ship materials anywhere clients want. In fact, they have to be shipping experts in order to prepare items to travel by land, air or sea. Craftsmen are familiar with International customs requirements and are careful that crating meets all regulations. That not only ensures that customers’ items arrive safely, but prevents them from being held up in customs or even returned. Packaging specialists’ domestic and International shipping services also include pick up and delivery as well as warehousing.

Shippers rely on custom crating specialists to build containers for non-standard items. Crating technicians treat each job as a unique project and ensure that clients’ contents are well protected. They are also shipping professionals who make sure that domestic and International crates stay safe during transport and will pass customs’ inspections.