When You Should Visit The Optometrists in Murrieta CA

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Optometrists

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There are a lot of different medical specialties, and each one of them focuses on a very narrow part of the human body and how it functions. While you may never see a cancer specialist or a neurologist, everyone needs to see an eye doctor from time to time. You can do your eyes a lot more good, though, if you have a clear sense of when you should be planning to make a visit to see Optometrists Murrieta CA.

For the most part, you should assume that you are going to need to make an appointment every one to three years depending on your situation. For example, a healthy person around the ages of 20 to 40 who does not have any eye problems or family history of issues can probably safely go 3 years unless there has been some kind of injury or symptom that causes concern. If you wear glasses, on the other hand, it is best to go in yearly to make sure that the prescription is still correct. Otherwise, as you grow older, you will need to make visits more frequently. It is best to speak to your primary care physician about your family history and ask for guidance on how frequently you should make appointments.

If you have had an eye injury, it is a good idea to go and see the optometrist even if you are not otherwise due for an appointment. If you start seeing dark shapes floating in your visual field, this can be a sign that there is a problem with your retina and you definitely need to see someone as soon as you can. You may also want to see an eye doctor if you start feeling as if your eyes are more dry than usual, particularly if you find yourself frequently using eye drops.

Going to see the eye doctor is something that everyone needs to do at times if they are going to protect their vision. If you have actual symptoms of a problem developing in your eye, take the time to make an extra visit just in case. Your vision is precious and problems are much easier to treat early on than it is to repair them farther down the line.

Visit Temecula Eye Center Optometry today for more information and follow them on Facebook.