Individuals and couples from Seneca, SC, come to see Matthew Dixon, a Registered Financial Consultant, at any point in their life. Most people start planning for retirement sometimes in their 20s and 30s. Still, it is possible to plan for retirement anytime during your working career.
During this initial meeting and development of a retirement plan, Matthew Dixon asks questions to help determine the goals for retirement, the current financial status, and the plan to provide the savings needed to create a comfortable retirement.
Over time, things can change. While having any type of retirement account is better than having nothing, regular reviews of your retirement goals and financial situation help specialists like Matthew Dixon to fine-tune your plan. Ideally, an annual review is the best option, but there are other times that are also important to consider.
Changes in Employment or Income
Changes in employment or income have an impact on your tax liabilities and how much you can put aside for retirement. Additionally, changing employers may provide the opportunity to restructure or rollover 401(k) and other employer retirement plans.
Health Issues
As people age, health issues become more of a concern. When health conditions may require long-term care or ongoing medical treatment, planning for these future expenses should be considered in the retirement plan.
Other issues such as life insurance, setting up annuities, or determining which investments are best in changing markets are also reasons for anyone in Seneca, SC, to contact their retirement planning professional.