When to Get Drainfields Cleaning in Auburndale, FL

by | Nov 3, 2016 | Septic Tanks

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It can often be difficult to diagnose a septic field problem on your own. The best course of action is to learn about your septic system’s parts and how your tank functions before you attempt any repair work or remedies. First consider a cleaning service as drainfields cleaning can save you from more than a few issues both in the present and in the long term.

The Main Cause of Issues

The most common reason a septic tank can fail is septic bacteria and septic tank enzymes being killed off by harsh household cleaners or strong medications that homeowners take for illnesses. Another issue is caused when pumps, filters, and aerators break down. Each of these situations will allow septic tank sludge to escape from the tank and overload the drainfield with solids. This will in turn cause the bio-mat to become out of balance. Drainfields cleaning in Auburndale, FL will help fix this issue and attack the problem at the source.

Signs of a Problem

When you are unsure whether you need the help of drainfields cleaning, look for certain signs of a problem. The smell of sewage outside of the building, especially above the septic fields or tank riser, is a strong indication that you may need the service. Slow or sluggish flushing when you use the toilet is another sign, or you may begin to hear noises in the septic pipes.

Moist spots above the septic tank or septic drainfield are likely caused by septic tank sewage rising to the surface. In this case, call a professional immediately to avoid a serious issue with a lot of cleanup involved. It is never fun or simple to fix a serious failure, but you can cut down on the problems and reduce the chance of a headache when you strike at a sign early. The right companies will be by your side from installation to the day the system needs to be replaced.