When Septic Pump Outs in Sanford Are Necessary — Signs to Look For

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Septic services

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Nobody wants to have to deal with a backed up septic system, so it’s important to have the tank pumped out periodically. However, not everyone is familiar with the signs that it’s time to call for Septic Pump Outs in Sanford.

Fullness Defined

There is a normal level at which the tank should be pumped, after which it will take some time for the tank to fill up again. An overfull tank will be backed up because the absorption field can’t handle any more liquid. Another problem that requires pumping is when there’s too much sludge, or non-liquid waste, built up in the tank making it so there’s less space for liquids to be processed.


The timing between pump outs will vary based on the size of the tank, the age of the tank, and how many people live in the household. However, it isn’t uncommon for Septic Pump Outs in Sanford to be needed every two to five years. It’s better to pump the tank out before any major signs of an overfull septic tank occur, as these can be messy and unpleasant to clean up.

Smelly Systems

Another sign that a septic pump out may be necessary for the near future is if there’s a bad smell either inside the house or around the yard where the drain field is located. There shouldn’t be any bad smells coming from drains or septic systems, so if something stinks, call to get the tank checked to see if there’s a clog or if it needs pumping out.

Wet Yards

Of course, it’s normal for the yard to be wet if it has just recently rained, but if there’s a big puddle in the yard and it hasn’t rained, there may be some liquid overflowing from the septic system, meaning the septic tank is overdue for being emptied.

Drainage Issues

If just one drain in the house isn’t working well, there may simply be a clog in that pipe. However, if all of the drains, or at least all of the drains on the lower floor of a home, are slow, then it may be that there’s a clog or a tree blocking the septic system closer to the tank or the tank may be becoming too full. Visit Website.com for more information. They handle septic pump outs, installations, and repairs in the Sanford area.

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