When Is It Better To Repair Than To Replace a Dishwasher?

by | Sep 1, 2017 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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If you’ve had your dishwasher for a while and it breaks, you might be wondering if it’s worth hiring dishwasher repair services in Alpharetta, Georgia, or if you’re better off getting a new machine. The short answer is it’s usually more cost effective to have it repaired, however, there are exceptions to that rule. Here are some questions to ask when you’re deciding between repairing and replacing a dishwasher.

Is it still under warranty?

If your dishwasher is still under warranty, it’s almost certainly more cost effective to have it repaired by someone factory-authorized to do so under your warranty terms. After all, this is the whole point of warranty – to guarantee that your dishwasher performs as promised for the full duration of its life. So if your dishwasher is still under warranty, call for dishwasher repair services in Alpharetta, Georgia, to get it taken care of. The only exception to this is if you are directly responsible for the damage that’s being repaired, so read your warranty carefully to see what is and isn’t covered.

How many times has it already been repaired?

If this is the first issue you’re had with your dishwasher, then it probably has a lot of life left in it. It’s much easier and more cost effective to replace a simple part, like a pressure switch or a fill valve, than to buy a whole new machine. On the other hand, if you’ve already had your dishwasher repaired a few times, and especially if the time between repairs seems to be shrinking, you might want to invest in a new one. If it’s going to cost more than half the price of a new machine to fix your old one, then it’s time for a new dishwasher.

When you’re deciding between repairing and replacing a dishwasher, you’re usually better off paying for dishwasher repair services in Alpharetta, Georgia, than paying for a new machine. So unless your dishwasher is no longer under warranty and the repair is half as expensive as a new machine, repair it.