Carpenter bees can prove to be a real problem if they and their hives are not professionally eliminated. Therefore, you need to use the services of an exterminator who will not only remove the bees but prevent their return. If you notice large black bees hovering outside your house, they are probably carpenter bees.
Where the Bees Lay Their Eggs
Bees of this variety tunnel through a wood in order to reproduce, or lay their eggs. While the male bees are harmless and do not possess stingers, the females do sting. If the wood is pressure-treated or painted, it is less likely to attract the bees, though.
Common Nesting Sites
Some of the common nesting sites that lead to carpenter bee removal in Pittsburgh, PA include window trim, siding, eaves, wood shakes, and decks. The bees are even drawn to outdoor wood furnishings. Carpenter bees prefer wood that is unpainted, weathered, or bare. Therefore, prevention involves painting any exposed wood, especially if the area has previously been attacked.
Preventing Nest Building
Carpenter bee removal professionals add that wood preservatives, or stains offer some repellency. However, they are not as dependable as paint. To discourage nest building, shut up all outbuildings and garages when the bees are seeking nesting sites in the spring or early summer.
Softwoods Are Used for Nesting Sites
When carpenter bee removal is facilitated, insecticides normally take care of the problem. Most of the nests are located in softwood such as redwood, soft pines, and cedar. While the first signs of damage are normally small, the building of chambers or tunnels by successive generations can weaken the wood.
When tunneling through wood, carpenter bees do not eat the wood as termites do. Instead, they leave wood shavings and defecation in their wake. The male of the species flits outside the opening to a nest to guard it. To learn more about getting rid of the bees, click here. Set an appointment for a consultation today if you believe that you have this bee problem or a similar pest control issue.