What to Look for When Buying 8N Ford Tractor Parts Online in Coushatta, LA

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Tractor Equipment Supplier

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Whether you are restoring an old Ford tractor as a project or trying to keep your old tractor up and running, chances are you won’t always be able to find the parts you need at your local dealer. Buying 8N Ford tractor parts online can be easier, and in some cases, more cost-effective than buying them through your dealer or parts store.

Simple Parts

If you are looking for something as simple as a seat pivot support rod, you may be tempted to try to substitute it with something else. But you can find simple parts like seat pivot support rods, lift arm support pins, light bulbs, springs, and even the exact screws you need online. Since these parts are available online, you don’t have to substitute your 8N Ford tractor parts with something similar that may or may not work right.

More Complex Parts

With screws and pins, sometimes you can find a substitute that may work for you at least temporarily. But when it comes to more complex parts, you need the exact right part or your tractor will not run right. For example, if you need a new gauge, you need one that was made specifically for your tractor. You can’t just pull one from another tractor and expect it to work correctly. Also, if you are rebuilding the engine or carburetor, you need the right pins, screws, and seals.


If you have an old tractor, chances are you probably don’t have any of the manuals that came with it. Rather than trying to guess how to fix the problem, you can order manuals online, which can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.