If you or your partner are considering an abortion, here are a few facts to consider first:
There are Several Approaches to Abortion
There are two primary approaches to abortion. The first is an in-clinic or surgical abortion. These procedures are conducted at the abortion clinic and are typically done under general anesthesia.
The second common approach is medical abortion. Also called the “abortion pill”, this medication causes the body to miscarry the pregnancy and is prescribed by a trained doctor. It allows a woman to be home while the abortion process takes place. It’s important not to confuse the abortion prescription with emergency contraception which is a medication that prevents pregnancy from actually occurring if taken in time after unprotected sex.
You Have Other Options
Before visiting a Jacksonville, FL abortion clinic, understand that you have several other options. Abortion leaves both physical and emotional scars that can negatively impact a person’s life forever. It’s important to know your other choices before making a final – and permanent – decision.
The first option is adoption. If you feel that you can’t raise and care for a child, it may be a good idea to consider placing your child up for adoption. That way, they will find a safe, loving home, and you will be able to move on with your life.
The second option is keeping your baby. You may decide to undergo parenting classes and trainings to prepare for raising your baby, or you may simply grow more confident the longer you are pregnant. Regardless, you always have the option to keep and raise your baby – and there are women’s centers available to help you at every step of the way.
Be sure you’re informed and surrounded by support. You’ll find that the right choice may be difficult but will make a major and positive difference in your life. Don’t leave that decision to chance!