What to Expect When You Are at a Sleep Diagnostic Center in Temecula, CA

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Pulmonologist

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Are you looking for a sleep diagnostic center in Temecula, CA? Sleep disorders lead to various health complications, decreasing quality of life. This clinic’s onsite sleep testing can accurately diagnose any sleep issues you have.

Their state-of-the-art sleep diagnostic center is a safe and comfortable environment. At their facility, a technician will assess your sleep and develop a treatment plan.

Polysomnogram Tests

They use a polysomnogram to test brain waves, heart rate, breathing, and movement. Several sensors will be placed on the head, chest, and legs. Then, you will be given a sensor hat to wear while sleeping. A technologist will observe and monitor your sleep, alerting you in the morning.

Once they finish data collection, they will analyze the results. It includes your brain waves, blood oxygen saturation, and breathing rate. Your doctor can take their analysis and use it to diagnose underlying conditions.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPAP treatments are administered to open the airways and improve breathing. Usually, a person wears a mask while they sleep, but it is a prescription.

What conditions can CPAP treat?:

• Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is the most common sleep apnea type and is caused by blocked airways.

• Snoring: Snoring happens when an airway has a partial blockage, forcing air through a narrow slot. This vibrates the throat tissues and produces noise.

• Central Sleep Apnea: When the brain does not send signals to the breathing muscles, this is what it is called.

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