Anyone who loves adventure should understand the importance of embarking upon a new journey into the wilderness well prepared. In today’s uncertain world many people find comfort in knowing that their basic survival will be provided for under any circumstances. Putting together Emergency Survival Kits in California doesn’t have to be a major challenge or a major expense, and the small amount of effort required could well save lives should disaster strike. What should an emergency survival kit include?
To answer this question, consider what basic survival needs really are. Many of the modern amenities that have come to be considered necessities could easily be done without in a disaster situation, but three things cannot: food, water, and shelter. Anyone putting together his or her own emergency kit will want to keep this in mind, but this holds doubly true for hikers. There’s nothing like having to fit everything in one bag and then carry all of that weight to make someone reconsider what they truly need. Try to think about any survival kit the same way: should a fire or flood force an evacuation, it’s unlikely that there will be time to load up an entire truck full of gear. It’s best to have a small bag pre-packed with only absolute necessities.
Be sure to include at least one space blanket per person, basic first aid gear, and enough light weight and non-perishable food to last anyone in the intended party a few days. Keep in mind that natural disasters often destroy resources that would otherwise be available and include a way to cook food and boil water in an emergency. Emergency Survival Kits in California should include at least one emergency fire starter. It may seem like no big deal to find dry wood on a camping trip, but should a flood or a mudslide occur, this may not be the case.
Those who hold to the axiom “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” will likely find comfort in knowing that no matter what happens they’ll be prepared.
Hikers and disaster preppers alike can trust Zombie Tinder brand products to work right every time when they need them most.
Click Here to find emergency fire starters and other valuable preparedness supplies.