What Services Do Landscape Architects in Round Rock Offer?

by | Nov 8, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

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Many people are unaware of what Landscape Architects in Round Rock do. But if you are building a park, hiking trails, or other community outdoor space, someone may have recommended that you hire one. Here are some of the different services that these types of professionals offer.

Feasibility Studies:

Before you even put together plans for an area, a feasibility study must be done. A feasibility study will determine whether or not there is a need for this within the community and whether it is something that can actually be placed in the area that you are thinking of constructing it.

Plans and Site Designs:

Once it has been determined that it is feasible to construct this outdoor element where you were considering placing it, plans and site designs will need to be drawn up. An architect can help you determine where you can place a playground, a sitting area, picnic benches, hiking trails and/or sports fields. These plans are essentially the blue plans that the construction crew will eventually use when clearing land and building your outdoor space.

Zoning Applications:

Another important element that a landscape architect can help you with is getting zoning applications. Once plans have been drawn up, you need to submit zoning applications to various agencies. Unfortunately, getting these permits approved can be challenging sometimes. An architect can show why this is beneficial for the community, what benefits it may have on the neighborhood, and what impacts it will have on the environment in the area. If you have never filled out zoning applications or applied for zoning permits before, this is not something you want to take on yourself, as it is challenging.

Trying to design and construct an outdoor space for a community to use is a huge challenge for any one person or small group to take on themselves. Landscape Architects in Round Rock can help you put together plans, determine the feasibility of the project and oversee the construction, from beginning to end.