What Is Radon?

by | Mar 8, 2017 | Business

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Radon is a radioactive gas, one that is colorless, tasteless and odorless. It is a natural product of uranium breaking down in rock, soil and water. Due to its nature, it’s often difficult for most people to detect it,—without the proper equipment—and it can easily dissolve into the water system, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Why does this matter?

Every ear, about 1,800 deaths are attributed to high levels of radon present in household water. Radon is also the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon could easily get into your private well or water source if you live in an area where there’s plenty of radon in the groundwater or environment. That’s why installing a radon water system is crucial.

What is a radon water system?

This is used to reduce the radon levels in your water supply. If yours is well above acceptable levels, then it is vital to have one installed. However, even in cases where radon levels are well within acceptable levels, it’s a good idea to go for a mitigation system to reduce those levels even further. The goal, after all, is to ensure there’s as little radon in your water supply as possible.

How to install the system

While some go for the DIY-approach, it’s far easier and much more convenient to simply hire a professional contractor to install the system for you. Installation mistakes could compromise the operational efficiency of the system. Lack of experience and know-how also means it’s easy to end up causing considerable damage to the system. With the help of a pro, installing that radon water system should be easy, with none of the stress and hassles that goes with a DIY solution.

If you think you have radon in any properties, get help. Hire a pro to install your system.