Generally, a moving company will offer you two different kinds of estimates. You will be able to get a full estimate and a quick estimate. A quick estimate will give you a general overview of how much money you might need to spend on your move. It is not always 100% accurate but it is generally pretty close to your ultimate rates. There will be some differences if you have forgotten something or you change your services. A full estimate is much more detailed.
Square Footage
The moving company in Austin will need to know the square footage of the place you are in now as well as the destination. That helps them to understand how many movers they will need and how many trucks; also, it helps them to plan how long it will take.
Whether you will be needing storage will factor into the estimates. If you request an estimate from Firefighting’s Finest Moving and Storage, Inc., you will be asked to specify what storage you might need. They offer long-term and short-term storage at different rates.
Important Details
You should also include important details when you request an estimate from a moving company. For example, the square footage goes into their calculations but if you tell them it is a dance studio, they will likely give you a different estimate; a dance studio presumably would have a lot of empty floor space and not a lot of furniture. Similarly, if you have a baby grand piano, that will be an important detail to include.
Anything that could significantly affect the amount of effort required will be an important detail. The amount of furniture that people have differs greatly depending on their lifestyles. That will also greatly change the estimate. Lastly, you should specify the date of the move. The date can sometimes be relevant.