What is Houston court reporting?

by | Jul 20, 2013 | Law

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People who transcribe words which are either spoken directly or recorded while in a legal setting such as a court room are known as court reporters. Those who perform Houston court reporting are responsible for producing accurate and reliable transcripts of court proceedings, depositions, etc. A court reporter can be referred to as a stenotype reporter, a voice reporter or a silent steno-mask reporter.

The usual tools of the trade for those who perform court reporting are a stenographic machine, a digital recorder or a voice silencer. All are different but the results are the same, an accurate transcript of what was said by whom. The most accurate of the tools is the stenograph; it allows the court reporter to come exceedingly close to the original speech, the tone that the statement was delivered in as no parts of the speech pattern are left out. In the case of voice recorders and voice silencers, the court reporter repeats exactly what is said in the court by the judge, lawyers and witnesses and it is repeated verbatim. Regardless of which method is used, Houston court reporting takes tremendous concentration to be able to capture the minutest details of what was said. The court reporter must have a good command of the legal language used to be in a position to provide an accurate transcript of the proceedings.

For those who wish to train as a court reporter, the choice is between voice and stenotype. Although the course length is different, voice perhaps can be mastered in two years, stenograph perhaps as long as six years, the basic needs are the same. All individuals who wish to purse court reporting have to take academic courses which help with a complete understanding of legal and medical jargon, business law as well as the English language.

For those who may be considering court recording as an occupation, it must stressed that the training does not end once the initial degree has been acquired. It is important to continue training to improve accuracy and speed; these measures are required to keep the license. In some states the court reporter must also become a notary public so that witnesses can be sworn in during depositions and to certify that the record of the proceedings is a true and accurate transcription.

AcuScribe Court Reporters can perform Houston court reporting. A full suite of litigation support services is available including interpreters, subpoena services and much more.