A very common question for those new to CBD products is the terminology. If you are wondering what is broad-spectrum CBD oil, you are not alone. To get to the bottom of this, as well as how to most effectively use CBD oil, consider the following important information.
What is Broad-spectrum CBD Oil?
Broad-spectrum CBD oil uses all the compounds and essential oils from the hemp flower or plant, just like full-spectrum CBD oil. However, broad-spectrum CBD oil does not contain any THC, while full-spectrum has trace amounts of THC that must be less than 0.2%.
If you are trying to remember what is broad-spectrum CBD oil, just keep in mind, it offers the broad range of chemicals and compounds from the plant but without the small amount of THC. For those who work at jobs requiring drug tests, full-spectrum or CBD isolate products are most recommended.
Using CBD Oil
Broad-spectrum CBD oil has an earthy, herby taste that is not unpleasant, but it can take some people to adjust to the taste. There are also flavoured options that are popular and easier to take for many.
The most effective way to consume CBD oil is by placing a few drops under the tongue and holding it in the mouth for 60 seconds or more before swallowing. This allows the CBD to enter the bloodstream through the thin tissue under the tongue, providing very fast results.
CBD oil can be used as needed, with many people using it in the morning, before bed, and throughout the day. It can also be added to hot or cold beverages or placed on food. It should not be baked or cooked at high temperatures as this breaks down the natural benefits of the plant compounds.
At Encasa Botanics, we can help you with questions like what is broad-spectrum CBD oil,and what are the best products for my needs and preferences.