Functional medicine doctors can help you live more comfortably in your daily life. Functional medicine is a customized holistic treatment for a range of ailments from PTSD to chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, ADHD, and autistic spectrum disorders.
The idea behind functional medicine is the understanding that every human being alive is built genetically differently. With help from a specific collection of vitamins and minerals, the human body can begin to heal itself.
Functional Medicine Treatment
If you are suffering from an illness and want additional medical help, consider calling to make an appointment with a functional medicine doctor in Powdersville SC today. At your first appointment, the doctor will take blood, saliva, and urine samples. After the doctor studies those samples in the lab, they will have a detailed blueprint of your personal genetic makeup.
The doctor will then prescribe you a clinical dose of vitamins and minerals modeled after your genetic blueprint. These vitamins and minerals help keep your body in check and eradicate any discomfort/pain from your disorder. A functional medicine doctor in Powdersville, SC believes that humans can heal themselves with these natural remedies.
How Long Is the Treatment?
Doctors specializing in functional medicine don’t want you relying on any medicine forever. After a couple of months on the vitamins and minerals prescribed, you get tested again. The hopes are that the new test results will show a healthier you, and you can continue to feel your best self.