What Does a Web Developer Do?

by | May 16, 2016 | Web Design and Development

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Whether you are looking to build a website, or have simply come across an advertisement, you may be wondering about the exact job of a web developer. In today’s technology reliant world, you have likely heard the terms “web developer ” or “web designer” thrown around, but the specifications of the job are likely unclear unless you are involved in that field.

What’s In the Job Description: The job of a web developer in Dallas, as anywhere else in the world, is to ensure that a website is built well and runs smoothly. This involves building, or sometimes fixing websites to make sure that they are user friendly. Web developers are master coders and will essentially tell a website how it needs to function.

What is Required: Besides knowing how to code, web designers must have knowledge of computer languages such as HTML and JavaScript. A web developer in Dallas, or any other city will also have a basic knowledge of computers, as well as an understanding that of how to build a user friendly website. Patience is another requirement for a web developer as customers can be extravagant in their demands and coding isn’t an easy process, even in trained hands.

Where do web developers work? Web developers work in a variety of places. Some people like being their own boss and choose to be a freelance web developer. Dallas, and other major cities, may have companies that employ web developers full time because of constant changes and upgrades that must be made to their sites.

Who do web developers work with? This depends on the type of job involved- and the type of client. Some web developers will regularly work with web designers to increase the appeal of the sites that they build. In some instances, a more creatively inclined web developer can also function as a web designer.

Where do I find someone to help me build my website? Most freelance web developers are great at advertising! If all else fails networking sites such as Craigslist and LinkdIn are a great place to start.