What Can A Patient Expect From LASIK Surgery in Jacksonville?

by | Nov 14, 2019 | Optometrist

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LASIK is the most common type of laser surgery performed on the eye to treat astigmatism, far-sightedness, and near-sightedness. The word is an acronym for “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.”

What Does LASIK involve?

In LASIK eye surgery, the doctor will reshape the patient’s cornea so it can better focus images on the retina. The Lasik surgeon in Jacksonville will use an excimer laser to dissolve the cells’ molecular bonds and peel them away. The laser is so precise that it can remove 39 millionths of an inch of tissue – which is thinner than a human hair. The doctor will apply numbing drops beforehand to keep the patient comfortable.

What Is IntraLase?

Also known as IntaraLASIK or bladeless surgery, IntraLase is a variation of LASIK surgery in which the doctor uses lasers during all of the steps. In conventional LASIK, the surgeon uses a blade called a microkeratome to cut the flap in order to access the cornea; in IntraLase, they use a computer-guided femtosecond laser to make the flap. IntraLase provides the advantages of greater precision and reduced risk of complications. The femtosecond laser is also quick and can cut a flap in just ten seconds.

What is Wavefront?

Wavefront is a technology that enables the surgeon to develop a customized treatment for the patient. The doctor will use a technology called an aberrometer that measures the way light passes through the cornea and lens. The aberrometer will produce an “aberration map” that pinpoints how the patient’s eye differs from that of someone with perfect vision. The results of the test will allow the surgeon to diagnose the patient’s vision more precisely and devise a treatment plan to help them. Said treatment plan can include other therapies, such as artificial tears for a patient with dry eye syndrome.

Contact Maida CustomVision at Florida Eye Specialists or visit maidalaser.com to schedule an appointment with a Lasik surgeon in Jacksonville.