Ways to Make Going to a Glendale High School More Comfortable

by | Nov 1, 2022 | High School

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When it’s time to enter high school, you might feel nervous and excited at the same time. While there will be changes from elementary and middle school, try to view this time of your life as a step toward your future career and adulthood. Here are a few tips that could help you feel more comfortable.


Before starting high school in Glendale, AZ, consider going on a tour of the buildings on the campus. Many schools offer an orientation session so that students can meet their teachers and talk to some of the older students to find out more information about the classes that are offered and the activities that are available. Try to use this time to find your locker and to make sure you know how to open your locker as well as you might not have a lot of time between classes to exchange one book for another.


When you’re choosing your classes for high school in Glendale, AZ, try to take those that will challenge you so that you’re not bored in school. However, you don’t want to choose classes that you know will be too difficult as this could result in lower grades, which could impact your overall GPA and result in needing help from your teachers.


Whether it’s building relationships with your teachers or building those with upperclassmen and friends, high school is a time to explore what you like and how you interact with people. A club after school or a sport can help you meet new people so that you feel welcome in the school and so that you enjoy going every day.