Uncover the Beauty of Your Smile With DC Teeth Whitening

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Dental Health

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Beautiful smiles allow a person to feel confident in everything they do. When a someone’s smile becomes stained, darkened and dull, their self-confidence quickly begins to fade. Thankfully, a smile can easily be restored through DC Teeth Whitening. Teeth whitening treatments can take a person’s smile from stained to ultra white. With today’s whitening formulas being safer than ever, many can actually increase the health of the teeth.

Whitening formulas feature the main ingredient of hydrogen peroxide. This ingredient sinks deep into the teeth to the dentin area where stains are often trapped. As the whitener bubbles away the trapped stains, they are lifted to the surface and removed.

Each treatment typically lasts less than an hour. Treatments need to be carried out every few days until the desired results are achieved. Most people will need to go several treatments and can end up allowing a person to go up to ten shades whiter than they started with.

Once a person’s teeth have been treated with DC Teeth Whitening, they can keep their smile white between treatments by avoiding smoking and certain foods and beverages that are known to cause staining. If red wine, coffee and colas are consumed, a person needs to make sure they brush their teeth after drinking the beverage to ensure no stains set in.

Most dentists will give their patients an at-home protocol to use between whitening treatments. This protocol uses a mouth rinse and special toothpaste to keep the teeth as white as possible. When used on a regular basis, a person can keep their teeth white up to two years.

Whitening treatments involve the dentist placing a special whitening solution on the teeth. The gums are protected from being exposed, so they do not feel any irritation. The solution is left on the teeth for a timed period. This allows as much staining as possible to be removed with each treatment.

To learn more about teeth whitening treatments and how they can benefit your smile, click here to find out more info and visit Thedcdentist.com. Call them today and allow them to schedule you an appointment right away.