If you discover you have low vision, it is easy to despair. Your doctor in Minnesota has made it clear surgery, contact lenses, medication, and regular glasses can correct it. However, you do have another option. You can choose to wear low vision glasses.
Types of Low Vision Glasses
Glasses for low vision are optical devices. They assist people in Minnesota suffering from low vision in daily tasks. Essentially, they magnify the word and the world allowing low vision individuals the ability to see. Such glasses address two types of activities. These are:
1. Near or close to hand, e.g., reading, sewing, writing
2. Distance, e.g., reading street signs identifying bus numbers on buses watching television, catching movies and/or sporting events.
Whether it is for distance or near tasks, it is possible to find glasses, to help improve vision capabilities.
The actual types you may require include magnifying reading glasses and telemicroscopic glasses. Magnifying low vision glasses for reading:
* Allow individuals to read more of a line or page at once
* Are portable
* Do not require hands to hold them
* Work without interfering with the reading of computer screens, sheet music and directions for recipes, sewing patterns. Moreover, you can wear them and sew, knit, read and write
However, to get the results you need, you have to hold the objects or peer at them closely. Moreover, a steady hand is essential if the glasses are to perform optimally.
Telemicroscopic glasses provide a better match for work that is close rather than distant. They allow you to perform such tasks as reading and using a computer with great ease because you do not have to hold the items/tools steady or close. Hands-free, they allow for comfortable use and provide exceptional optics.
Consult with your vision specialist or optician in Minnesota about what type of low vision glasses will work best for you.