Turning to Boston Matchmaking Services for a Personal Touch

by | Jun 21, 2016 | Dating

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The number of singles turning to Boston matchmaking services has increased substantially over the past few years. In fact, people all over the country are becoming more and more interested in this personal service. It is estimated that in the United States the dating industry is worth over a billion dollars. This is double the value of the industry just a decade ago.

With the divorce rate what it is today, there are more people finding themselves single with each passing day. A man or woman who has just recently gone through a divorce may not feel quite ready to hit the dating scene again without a little coaching. On the other hand, some people have simply grown tired of going from bar to bar or filtering through pages of online dating profiles and are ready to try a more personal approach.

The Rules of Matchmaking

Boston matchmaking services screen each of their clients personally. This makes it impossible for anyone to be deceitful when it comes to their age or appearance. Therefore, choosing a quality matchmaking service is safer than online dating, which has become the topic of many horrid news stories over the years.

In addition, matchmaking services have been known to be picky in regards to the clients that they accept. For example, some will only take clients who have a college degree and others will request overweight applicants get in shape before returning.

While some people may walk away feeling angry or hurt, a high percentage of those accepted as clients will go on multiple dates with their match. The reason for such success among Boston matchmaking services are the rules that they put in place for the people they set up on dates.

There are also rules to preparing for dates as well. Some matchmakers will request that the man pays for dinner, while another may ask couples to refrain from kissing on the first date. Others will not let matched couples exchange their contact information after the first day, but instead will provide the information should both parties want a second date.

The Effectiveness of Matchmaking

Ask any couple who met through Boston matchmaking services and they will tell you the practice is incredibly effective. Many feel that they would not have otherwise met.

Some experts may tell you that matchmaking services are not any more effective than traditional dating. The theory behind this is that there is no guarantee that you will meet your soul mate by using the service.

Boston matchmaking services are effective because meetings are based on compatibility as opposed to attraction. Some people who have found each other through matchmaking would not have the courage to approach a possible mate in public. In addition, the people you meet in public have not been screened and you will have zero insight into their background.