When someone is first diagnosed with having diabetes, they need to gather the necessary supplies to help care for their disease. While their doctor may explain which items to get, many patients are too shocked to hear what they have to say at the moment. This means they later have to find out on their own which items are required. Listed below are the top 4 medical supplies in Rancho Palos Verdes used for diabetes care.
Glucose Monitor
In order to test the blood and figure out what the blood sugar levels are, each person with diabetes must have a glucose monitor. This is one of the most important medical supplies in Rancho Palos Verdes for diabetes. Regular use of the monitor allows diabetes patients to closely track their health. If a drop or spike in levels is detected, they can head to their physician’s office to get the problem under control quickly before it becomes a larger issue.
Test Strips
The glucose monitor can not work without the help of test strips. After a prick of a finger, blood will be taken and deposited onto a strip. The monitor then analyzes the blood and determines what level of sugar is currently in it. Medical supplies in Rancho Palos Verdes, such as these test strips, need to be purchased regularly so they are always available when needed.
Compression Stockings
Those with diabetes often have issues with circulation. This is why it is important for them to wear compression stockings on a regular basis. The stockings are meant to increase blood flow by applying pressure to the legs. With increased blood flow, the circulation issues will be minimal.
Therapeutic Shoes
Therapeutic shoes are important for diabetics who have issues with their legs. If their circulation issues have already developed into a more serious issue, then they most likely are experiencing severe pain in their legs and feet. These shoes will help alleviate some of this pain so they can continue to function in their daily lives.
Diabetes is a serious illness that needs to be attended to on a regular basis. As long as patients purchase these 4 medical supplies in Rancho Palos Verdes, they will be taking matters into their hands when it comes to their health. This ensures they can remain as healthy as possible and prevent their illness from limiting them.