Tips to Help You Get the Most Out Of a Personal Injury Claim in Providence

by | Sep 17, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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If you were injured and will be filing a personal injury claim, you need to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you feel like your injuries are not that significant, you need to be evaluated by a medical professional. After being scene, make sure that you follow all the doctor’s treatment plan and instructions, keep track of documentation and receipts related to your care, and try to rest as much as possible. The full extent of your injuries may not be realized for days or weeks following an injury. All of this information will be beneficial when working with your experienced personal injury attorney in Providence, RI, and building your case.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you value your claim, helping you understand the possible compensation you can recover from the responsible party and/or the insurance company. If the case goes to trial, a jury will closely examine the evidence that is provided by your legal team and will make determinations about how much they feel is sufficient to cover the damage that has been done. This is why it is so important to provide as much detail as possible about the incident and what led up to your injury or injuries. When valuing your claim, your attorney will also make sure that future damages are also included. Since evidence is what the jury will examine, you want to be sure that everything has been well documented and everything has been accounted for when presenting your case.

Your personal injury attorney in Providence, RI, will likely recommend that you avoid social media or online forums while your case is being examined. There have been times when individuals have posted pictures that can be used against them during their case. Anything that could potentially sway a jury’s opinion as to the severity of your injuries can and will be used against you. Do yourself a favor, follow the advice of your legal team.

The sooner you get your case started, the better. There are time limits set on when personal injury claims can be filed. The last thing you want is for the statute of limitations to expire while you’re still undergoing treatment.

For more information on how to file a personal injury claim, contact the personal injury lawyers at Deluca & Associates in Providence, RI today by visiting their website.