Tips for Selecting the Right Size Rug

by | Aug 31, 2017 | Interior Designer

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Do you want to buy a new rug but you are not sure what size you need? If so, you are not alone. For many people, buying the right size rug is the most challenging part of decorating a room. While you can hire professional interior designers to help you, there are also a few tips that will make this process easier.

When Talking About Rugs, the Bigger, the Better

When it comes to rugs and your room, a few inches make the difference. In fact, these few inches can be all the difference in a rug that pulls a space together, or that chops it up. When you choose a larger rug, especially if you are stuck between two sizes, then it will be well-worth it.

Look at the Room for Help

The room that the rug will be in can tell you quite a bit about what size you need and the way it should be put in the room. It is important to find a rug that is proportional to the space, which means a larger room needs a larger rug. It should also be placed to echo the room’s dimensions, for example, if you have a longer room, orient the rug lengthwise.

Visualize the Room’s Final Look

Before making any final decisions about what size rug you need or want, you should use painter’s tape to give you a visual look at where the rug will go. This is a secret that many interior designers use to help ensure they like the planned location for a new rug.

In most cases, if you are ready to buy a new rug, you have a general idea of what you want and where you want the rug to go. However, if you are unsure, the tips here can help. Help and information is available from interior designers as well.

If you want more information about design services, visit Zoe Feldman Design, Inc.’s website. You can also follow them on Instagram for more updates.