Tips for Purchasing a High Efficiency Wood Burning Fireplace Insert

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Fireplaces

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Wood is a renewable and carbon-neutral fuel source when collected ethically. New technologies have transformed the environmental efficiency of wood-burning fireplaces, stoves, and inserts. Several highly efficient wood inserts meet EPA regulations. This implies they emit fewer than 4.5 grams of particles per hour, with many emitting less than two.

The cleanest wood inserts use three-stage combustion burn technology, which burns practically all gasses, smoke, and ash, resulting in higher temperature burns and low emissions. Wood inserts are fireboxes designed to be installed into old, inefficient open-hearth fireplaces to improve heat transfer, efficiency, and emissions.

A high efficiency wood burning fireplace insert can also be utilized to build new fireplaces in places where there were previously none.

Measure Your Existing Fireplace

When buying a high efficiency wood burning fireplace insert, begin by measuring the existing fireplace’s dimensions. This includes measuring the height and width of the original fireplace from both the front and back. The width and height of the opening at the front of the fireplace are sometimes larger than the width and height of the entrance at the back. You’ll also need to determine the fireplace’s depth.

Pick Your Vent Liner Style

A high efficiency wood burning fireplace insert works in the same way as a wood stove does. They install a rigid or flexible vent liner into the existing chimney. Flexible venting is the most popular way for wood burning inserts, and it must be made of 304 stainless steel at the very least, with 316 stainless steel preferable.