If you are just finishing up driving school, or if you have been driving for awhile, finding the best truck driving jobs to maximize your income and provide you with the best benefits is always important.
However, income and benefits are not the only things to consider. Smart truckers know that the way the company treats their truckers, the perks and assistance provided and the ability to work with drivers on an individual basis can be equally as important.
Home Time
Driving is a great living for many hundreds of thousands of people across the United States. However, being able also to have time at home to relax and spend time with family and friends is essential for good health as well as for maintaining personal relationships.
The best truck driving jobs are with companies that understand and value this time for employees. This means that the home time you are promised is what you receive, and time can be arranged for vacations and other special events.
Trucks and Support
As a truck driver for a company, look for a trucking business that assigns tractors. This means that you will have your own rig, allowing you to become very comfortable and effective in maneuvering and driving that truck. Additionally, with the same tractor, you also don’t have to worry about ending up with the oldest truck in the fleet or with a truck known to have mechanical problems.
Support with the best truck driving jobs is also a key factor to consider. The best companies will also assign a driver manager to each trucker. With this arrangement, you will get to know the individual and he or she will also know each of the truckers they work with.
The driver manager is a resource both for the company as well as the trucker. They can provide information and support, address issues that arise and assign you to the types of loads and the routes you prefer.
Perks and Bonuses
Several top trucking companies have multiple different perks and bonuses for their employees. This can include pay bonuses for safety and mileage, typically a combination of the two, as well as corporate recognition for career milestones.
Many of the best companies also provide employee assistance programs, tuition reimbursement and even the option for riders and pets. Knowing what you are looking for in a career is the first step, then finding a company that offers the job you want with the best benefits for your needs is all that it takes.