Tips for Choosing New Air Conditioning Units in Edmond OK

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Air Conditioning

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The day is fast approaching when the current air conditioner will have to be retired. Rather than waiting until it fails completely, now is the time to start looking at possible replacement units. Here are some tips that will make it easier to compare the merits of different air conditioning units in Edmond OK and find the one that is right for the job.

The Size and Power of the New Unit

One of the first points to consider is whether or not the a unit is powerful enough to cool the entire home. This is not necessarily a matter of simply going with a larger unit. Opting for something that has more power than needed will mean the house cools off too quickly and may even be a little too chilly. Choosing one that is not powerful enough will mean the unit has to run constantly in order to keep the home comfortable. Ask a contractor to inspect the home and recommend the unit size needed to do the job efficiently, and only consider units with that amount of power.

Energy Rating

The energy rating is important to determine before buying any of the Air Conditioning Units in Edmond OK. Remember that units with better ratings require a lower amount of energy in order to keep the heat and humidity at bay. While the homeowner can expect to pay a little more for a unit that comes with a more favorable rating, the payoff comes once the unit is installed. Rather than higher power bills, the owner is likely to find that the monthly bill from the electric company will be a little lower.


Take the time to research the different features available with the units of today. Some of them could be just what the owner needs to manage the system more effectively. Think about the benefits of having a thermostat that will automatically change the setting when everyone leaves the house, then adjust it a second time just before family members are due to return. This one feature will save a lot of money in energy costs over the course of a year.

For more information about new air conditioning units, talk with the team at Benchmark Mechanical Inc. today. They can help the homeowner identify the right blend of features and ensure the new unit provides the best possible service.