Three Signs That You Need To See A Vein Doctor In Bensalem PA

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Healthcare

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Your veins have an important function in your body. When functioning normally, they have the task of helping your body transport blood back to your heart via a one-way valve. Unfortunately, it can cause major problems when this one-way valve malfunctions. A faulty vein can cause blood to collect in that area, putting pressure on your vein and causing them to become large and weak. The enlarged vein (which is usually visible on the surface of the skin) is called a varicose or spider vein, depending on the severity of the problem.

Varicose and spider veins can be painful, but it’s important that you don’t try to live your life around that pain. Vein problems can quickly escalate and lead to other issues, and it is vital that you see a vein doctor who can treat your varicose or spider veins efficiently. Though you may be able to keep the problem from worsening by wearing compression stockings or keeping your legs elevated, you need to be evaluated in order to see if further treatment is necessary. If you’re still on the fence about visiting a vein specialist, here are three reasons to make the decision to see a Vein Doctor in Bensalem, PA:

  1. If you have soreness, heaviness, cramping, or swelling in your legs after standing for any amount of time, it’s a good idea for you to see a vein doctor. This is especially true if the swelling makes it hard for you to stand or walk, which could be the sign of a deeper circulatory issue.
  2. Veins that have become warm, tender, or discolored definitely warrant a call to an experienced vein doctor. These could be signs of a blood clot issue, and you need to have it looked at right away.
  3. Legs that burn and itch, especially around the site of the enlarged veins, definitely warrant a trip to a vein doctor. If this is the case, you should schedule an appointment right away.

There’s no need to suffer with the pain of varicose veins or unsightly spider veins. Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment in Bensalem, PA can be easily performed by a trusted specialist who can diagnose and treat your specific problem. Once you experience the joy of living without spider or varicose veins, you’ll be able to regain both your comfort and your confidence as you move forward toward a long and healthy life. For more information contact The Center For Advanced Vein Treatment.