Your air conditioning is something you won’t realize how much you’ll miss until it’s gone. The thing about air conditioners is they always seem to break at the most inopportune time. The best way to fix an issue is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. The following are three tips you can use to avoid the need for AC repair in Palatine.
1. Change Your Filters – Make sure you change your filters at least monthly to ensure clean airflow. Clogged air filters make the air conditioner work much harder than it has to, leading to the need for AC repair in Palatine. On top of that, dirty air filters are terrible for the air quality in your home.
2. Keep an Eye on Your Thermostat – If you have an older thermostat, consider upgrading to a new one. A broken thermostat will give your air conditioning unit a bad reading on the temperature in your home. It might read the room as colder than it is, leading your air conditioner to not turn on when it needs to. It could also cause your air conditioner to run more than it needs to because the thermostat is saying it’s hotter than it is.
3. Regular Maintenance – Make sure you are following the warranty when it comes to scheduled maintenance. These tune-ups could prevent major issues from occurring.
If you are concerned about your air conditioner, seek the help of Five Star Heating & Air, Inc., as they have a team of professionals to assist you.