Things to Consider Before Going to an Engagement Ring Shop in Sturbridge, MA

by | Sep 9, 2016 | Jewelry

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uying an engagement ring is a romantic act, but there are practical considerations to be made. The purchase entails choosing a symbol of commitment and love, but it also means spending a great deal of money on something the buyer may not understand. Check these considerations off the list and it will be easier to concentrate on the fun aspects of buying from an Engagement Rings Shop in Sturbridge MA like Cormier Jewelers.

Her Way of Life

The chosen ring will stay on the bride’s hand for years, if not for life. Many women prefer not to remove the ring for hobbies, sports, and work, and the buyer has to think of how the ring will fit into the wearer’s life. For instance:

  *      Is she a caretaker such as a physical therapist, nurse, or teacher, or does she work with her hands? If she does, the buyer should look at rings without elevated settings.

  *      Is she athletic? Think of how she handles equipment, wears gear, and uses her hands when she plays sports and whether she will need to remove the ring when it’s time to play.

  *      Does she work in the garden or kitchen? Solitaires in prong settings are rather simple to clean.

Her Style

When choosing an engagement ring, consider how she expresses herself through clothing. Consider the fabrics, patterns, and colors she wears, the type of shoes she prefers, and the kinds of jewelry she frequently wears. Many women are selective about clothing, and the wearer probably has a personal style.


If a buyer has not yet learned about engagement rings, they may be in for a surprise when they find out how much it costs to buy from an Engagement Rings Shop in Sturbridge MA. Thankfully, there is an engagement ring option for any budget and, sometimes, finding the perfect ring at a fair price comes down to setting priorities. The buyer should determine how much they can safely spend, and they should consider that financing can take years.

Ring Size

This may seem like a minor detail, but it can be a very big deal. Depending on the type of ring chosen, re-sizing can be difficult or even impossible. Additionally, it can be somewhat anticlimactic to have to wait to wear the ring after the proposal. If she wears rings, borrow one and compare it to a ring sizing chart.