The Silver Linings when Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Cincinnati, OH

by | Oct 4, 2017 | Bankruptcy Attorney

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When a person has to succumb to their financial woes and file for bankruptcy, it can be difficult to deal with. However, it is important to understand that filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Cincinnati OH isn’t the end of the world. It’s also important to keep in mind that a person’s financial outlook won’t always seem so dark.

You’re Never Alone when Filing for Bankruptcy

The first thing to remember is that people filing for bankruptcy are far from alone. It may seem that way but, last year, over 1.3 million people filed for bankruptcy. It may not do a great deal to help an individual or couple feel better about their situation immediately, but there may be some comfort in knowing they aren’t alone.

People do Recover from Bankruptcy

An individual or couple will recover from bankruptcy. There are many challenges people will face once the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Cincinnati OH has been discharged but, over time, individuals will be able to rebuild credit, and the bankruptcy will eventually cycle off of their credit reports.

No More Creditors Calling

Perhaps one of the most beneficial and relieving aspects of filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy is that creditors will stop calling. They may not initially, but typically all it takes is the creditors being informed the people they are trying to collect from have filed for bankruptcy. Referring the creditors to the individual’s attorney of record effectively stops the harassing and troubling phone calls.

Addressing Financial Issues

From a practical standpoint, it’s good that a couple or an individual address their finances. While bankruptcy may significantly batter a person’s credit score, not dealing with their credit issues could result in complete and utter financial disaster. It may not be the way that people had envisioned things, but it is a way to legally handle out-of-control credit and to learn a valuable lesson to avoid these problems in the future.

It’s easy to look at all the negatives of filing for bankruptcy, but there are silver linings. They may not be evident today, but they will be in the future, and that is something many people hang onto during the difficult bankruptcy process. If you or you and your spouse are contemplating bankruptcy because of a difficult situation, take the time and meet Dean Snyder Attorney to discuss the situation further.