When a person has been in a fender bender, it’s usually better not to talk with the other driver’s insurance company, no matter who caused the collision. Instead, this person should start with his own Auto Insurance Agency In Elyria Ohio and describe what happened. If this driver was at fault, the agent can expect to receive a call or email contact from the other driver’s insurance company.
If the other driver was at fault, the person who is not liable still should call her Auto Insurance Agency In Elyria Ohio. The two drivers should have exchanged insurance information at the scene unless the accident was so serious that someone needed to be taken to an emergency room. Typically, unless the collision was minor and did not cause any traffic delays, law enforcement arrives at the scene while the two drivers are still there.
Streamlining the Claims Process
If any type of claims process turns out to be unsatisfactory, the policyholder will want to shop around for different insurance. A primary purpose of working with a local agent is to help streamline making a claim against the policyholder’s insurance or another driver’s coverage. The agent is supposed to work with adjusters and make sure the policyholder receives the amount of compensation that is due. The policyholder should not have to do all that work when having an agent for a local representative.
Independent Agents
An independent agent from an organization like Schlather Insurance Agency can provide quotes and issue policies from a broad range of companies. In contrast, representatives known as captive agents work for one specific company and cannot issue policies from other corporations. That can be a big problem when somebody wants to shop around for insurance. This person may be able to get the same coverage for a much lower price with a different company, and the reputation for claims processing may be stellar. Contact information is available at .
Independent agents may offer better service than trying to manage a claim after buying insurance directly from a company. They also provide the same convenient payment options, such as automatic withdrawal and online payment service.