There are numerous ways an individual can protect themselves and, for many people, personal protection comes in the form a dog. There is no doubt that protective dogs can be an excellent method to keep someone safe. All one has to do is look at how well dogs serve law enforcement agencies as well as the military. However, if someone is looking for Personal Protection Training in Texas for a dog, there are a few things to consider.
Different Types of Protection
As it relates to personal protection training for dogs, there are two different categories. The first is home protection and the other is executive protection. While both services offer excellent personal protection, the protection offered as well as the training the dog receives is vastly different.
What is Executive Protection
Executive protection is provided to business owners, celebrities, or government officials. These protective dogs will likely be traveling to various locations. With the scenery changing so often, a dog will need to be trained to filter out these distractions, which can be significant to a dog, and focus on protecting whoever it is they are tasked with keeping safe.
Home Canine Protection
Home protection is in some ways easier. The dog used for protection will have familiar surroundings, which is extremely comforting to the dog. This can make training a dog for this type of duty less challenging.
In addition, Personal Protection Training in Texas will focus on the dog reacting to viable threats as opposed to becoming aggressive when there are strangers in the area. Perceiving a viable threat as opposed to normal home visitors is the real challenge in this type of training.
While protective dogs can be a great source of companionship for an individual or family, they can be an excellent deterrent when someone is looking to do someone harm. To learn more about personal protection provided by a highly trained dog, check out True Canine International. Whether it’s to prevent an attack on a high-level individual or discourage acts of theft at home, the services found at may be able to help.