Like many citizens around the world, Long Island residents are active in recycling efforts. Local businesses such as V. Garofalo Carting Inc. provide recycling programs that are helping to save critical natural resources. Recycling in Long Island NY has also boosted area employment and is contributing to a healthier U.S. economy.
Recycling Saves Natural Resources
It can be hard to imagine that the jars, tin cans, tires, and junk cars that litter landfills could have a major impact on the planet, but they do. These and many other items which end up in the garbage are made with millions of tons of natural materials. Manufacturers use minerals, oil, gas, coal, timber, and water to create new products. Recycling in Long Island NY allows citizens to help conserve these valuable commodities. There are hundreds of materials that can be recycled over and over again, which also minimizes industrial pollution.
Recycling Creates More Jobs
The recycling industry has created a huge number of jobs, many of them in new industries. The EPA reports that, in 2016 alone, recycling accounted for 757,000 jobs and more than $36 million in wages. Thousands of workers are required to sort recyclables and then ship them off to various locations. The industry uses drivers, mechanics, technicians, facility managers, and maintenance workers. Recycling waste creates 30 jobs, compared to the seven needed to dispose of them as trash. Also, the majority of new employment is at the community level, which boosts local economies.
Recycling Has National Economic Benefits
Increased recycling programs are providing benefits that extend to the entire U.S. economy. Repurposing materials help to make the economy more efficient because the country does not have to pay for resources that are getting scarce. Ongoing recycling programs reduce the amount spent to plant trees, mine ore, or buy fossil fuels from other countries. The job growth benefits contribute to a healthier national economy. Recycling also reduces the costs of maintaining traditional waste disposal, which frees up funds for other purposes.
Recycling programs offer local, national and global benefits. Repurposing materials conserve the Earth’s resources and simultaneously creates jobs. Programs also boost the U.S. economy by reducing costs associated with replenishing scarce natural resources and maintaining conventional waste disposal programs.