The success of a green lawn depends on some factors working together. This is why sod is a natural base for reestablishing a lawn. These are a few advantages of using sod to establish grass in the yard.
One big advantage of using sod is that the Grass in Junction City KS is already established. Unlike seeds that have to take root in the ground and need time to grow, the sod is already composed of seeds that are already growing. While the grass still needs to establish the roots into the ground, the beauty of the yard is already visible with the laying down of the sod. These effects can immediately turn a brown yard into a green one within a relatively short amount of time.
Another big advantage of using sod to establish Grass in Junction City KS is the heat reducing properties that are contained within the grass. Sand and dirt can retain a lot of heat. This can cause the roots of plants to burn next to the sand. Also, it can burn bare feet making it very uncomfortable to spend time in the yard. Grass acts as a natural protection against the summer sun and can help reduce the amount of heat that radiates up from the yard. This can also reduce the amount of evaporation that can occur from the heat retained in the sand.
Sod can also improve the environmental conditions around the home. The Grass in Junction City KS helps to filter the air and water that flow through it. This is a natural type of filtration that occurs. As the air and water flows through the grass, the particulates are taken out. To increase this filter action, make sure to apply only the amount of fertilizer needed to help encourage growth. Applying too much will diminish this advantage.
The addition of Grass in Junction City KS can improve the appearance of the yard, reduce heat retention and filter out impurities in the air and water. These qualities are reasons why sod should be considered as a part of improving the look and feel of your yard.