House payments, medical bills, credit cards, and auto expenses are just a few types of debts that people occur during their lifetime. While people try to live within their financial means, events occur in their life that makes it difficult to pay their bills. Whether they experience a loss of income due to termination from a job, the death of a family member, or other changes in the household structure. When the financial status changes in a household, it can be challenging for a person to make ends meet. Eventually, they will feel like they are drowning in debt and cannot see an end to their financial trouble. A bankruptcy attorney in Norman, OK can offer a solution to help find financial relief for anyone experiencing overwhelming debt.
Services a Lawyer Can Assist With
A bankruptcy attorney services in Norman, OK can provide legal advice on the options available such as filing chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy.
A lawyer can explain the difference between the two types of bankruptcy and determine option the individual qualifies for.
Once the client decided to file for bankruptcy, the attorney will prepare the documentation required to be filed with the court system.
They will assist in gathering important information required for filing bankruptcy and help stop creditors from contacting their client.
An attorney can offer support during a difficult time while their client tries to regain financial freedom.
Stop Struggling Today by Consulting an Attorney
Joe B. Lawter Law Firm has over 25 years of experience in offering bankruptcy services. Their skilled legal team can help you find financial relief when you are struggling to pay your expenses. They work with each client to find the right solution for their debt needs and establish a payment plan that financially works for their client.