Sustain a Broken Hip Because of Wet Floor? Contact A Personal Injury Attorney in Oklahoma City

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Attorney

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When an older person falls and breaks a hip, it’s a very serious matter. According to the Center for Disease Control one in five of older people who suffer a hip fracture will die from complications within the first year. Therefore if a person over 65 is in a shop, falls on a wet floor and breaks their hip, they are at serious risk. If the business owner knew about the wet floor and did nothing to warn the person, they are negligent. That means that they have to pay for the person’s medical treatment, lost wages and income, emotional trauma and pain and suffering. The should speak with a Personal Injury Attorney Oklahoma City to learn about their rights.

It’s important to speak with an attorney quickly, because insurance companies are very good at building cases against people. An insurance adjuster may say that he has to see the person’s medical records to determine the amount to pay. What he doesn’t tell the person is that the medical waiver allows him access to all of the person’s medical records for their entire life. He will then use that medical history against the person. If they have ever been treated for vertigo, he might allege that recurred and caused the accident. An attorney from the Cain Law Office can work with the injured person’s doctors and other medical experts to show that this is not the case.

The insurance company may also make a very low offer to an elderly person. They don’t understand that if they accept it, they will receive no more compensation. If they have to go into a long-term care facility as a result of the hip fracture, there may not be enough money to pay for it. Their Personal Injury Attorney Oklahoma City will ensure that any settlement offer covers the full cost of medical care. If the person cannot continue to live independently in their own home, moving to an institutional setting can create a huge amount of emotional trauma. The attorney will ensure that this is covered in the settlement. The compensation will not cure the person, but it will allow them to continue to live with as much dignity as possible.