Not all landscaping trailers are alike nor serve the same function. Depending on the type of landscaping involved, there are many options to consider. An important feature to look for are whether to by a closed or open trailer? Certainly an enclosed trailer reduces the opportunity for theft. However, they cost considerably more. While many landscapers start out with an open trailer, often it becomes necessary to purchase an enclosed trailer. Most trailers are about 6 to 8 feet wide.
Other considerations include:
• Different designs also are built for a certain amount of weight. What type of equipment will be used for most jobs? An example is the weight of a mower. Other heavy items may include a post hole digger or a garden tamper to compress the soil. Tampers weight between 8 and 12 pounds.
• Along with the weight, the issue is also capacity. Here again, what tools are required for the jobs? Mowers take up more room than rakes and shovels.
• Depending on the capacity of the trailer and the weight is to be sure to have the right amount of braking power. There are federal regulations from the Dept. of Transportation regulations. The standard for any trailer that exceeds 3,000 pounds in gross vehicle weight (GVW) must have it’s own breaks, not just the breaks of the vehicle pulling the trailer.
• Most trailers require a certain size vehicle to tow a trailers weight. Usually, that is a half-ton pickup truck. In addition to towing weight is the engine horsepower. Part of the issue around towing vehicles is the wheelbase. The vehicle can’t be shorter than the trailer.
• Landscaping trailer in Lancaster PA features trailers that are made of wood instead of steel as wood weighs less. By reducing the towing weight, there are more options when purchasing a Contact Tool Shed.
Another feature to consider when shopping for a Landscaping Trailer in Lancaster PA is a tool shed. Some trailers have it built in. Otherwise consider a contact Tool Shed that will accommodate more tools than currently being used. Tool requirements grow over time. Keeping a smaller but secured trailer can reduce damage to the tools, but care must be taken when loading and unloading. There are some open trailers with security locks to help reduce theft.
Experience with the different models will evolve over time.