Spring Maintenance Tips for Your Furnace

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Maintenance on your furnace in the spring is about ensuring the furnace has made it through the winter in good shape and is ready for the following cold season. If your furnace also operates air conditioning in your house, spring maintenance ensures it is ready for the long hot days and nights of summer.

Most North American households run furnaces between October and April, while those who have HVAC systems or ones that operate both heating and air conditioning, use theirs nearly all year long. Therefore it is advisable to search for spring furnace maintenance in Edmonton AB to make sure your unit is working at peak performance.

These are the things that should be in focus when it comes to spring maintenance on your furnace. The best way to accomplish this is have a certified technician with your furnace company come to your residence.

Good Cleaning

Many furnace units become dirty if they are located outside or even in the basement of your home. Spring is the ideal time to give the unit a good wash. Often times during the winter, the unit can accumulate gravel and other pieces of dirt or rock from being outside, by cleaning with a pressure cleaner you can make sure the system runs more efficiently.

Check Filters

Furnaces need clean filters to work effectively and need to be replaced after three to four months of use when the system is used regularly. If the filter is visibly dirty, or has dust and debris, it is time to make a change. If the filter remains quite clear, then it might be fine to not change it until the fall before the winter months arrive.

Have a Full Inspection

At least twice per year, especially if your system is HVAC, it should be inspected by a certified technician. By having the technician look over the unit, you can have some peace of mind that it runs efficiently, effectively and there is not the likelihood of any unforeseen problems at least until the next inspection.

Spring cleaning does not mean just in the house, but the furnace as well. Visit Capital Plumbing & Heating.